What are the advantages of using a reversing camera for my car?
A reversing camera provides numerous benefits, including increased safety while reversing your vehicle, elimination of blind spots, and easier parking in tight spots. Additionally, our camera comes equipped with night-time vision for added peace of mind during low-light conditions.
What should I consider before purchasing a reversing camera?
When purchasing a reversing camera, it is important to consider the field of view behind the vehicle. Look for a camera that offers a wide angle view, preferably close to 180 degrees, to ensure maximum visibility while reversing. The size and quality of the monitor is also important, as is the quality of the picture produced. Look for a camera with a high pixel rating for the best image quality. Consider the type of power used by the monitor and whether it will remain on at all times. You should also evaluate the transmission distance and the quality of the night vision. When choosing a reversing camera, the type of mounting and installation required goes hand in hand with the decision of whether to opt for a wired or wireless model. If you choose a wired camera, installation can be more involved and potentially incur extra costs. However, selecting a Wi-Fi or wireless camera eliminates the need for additional installation, saving you time and money.
Should I install a reversing camera in my car?
Yes, installing a reversing camera is definitely worth considering, especially if your car has limited rear visibility. Reversing cameras can provide additional vision, alerting drivers to potential risks and blind spots, promoting safety and peace of mind while reversing.
Can I use a reversing camera at night?
Yes, a good quality reversing camera equipped with night vision capabilities (like rearview170) is able to function just as effectively in low-light conditions as it does during the day. This means that you can rely on the camera to provide a clear view behind your vehicle while reversing at night.
Can I install a reversing camera on older model vehicles, caravans, RVs, or trailers?
Yes, it's both possible and recommended to add a wireless backup camera to these types of vehicles. This process is made much simpler with a wireless camera, as it doesn't require complex wiring integrated with your car's electrical system. Therefore, installing a reversing camera on older cars, larger vehicles, and trailers is easy and hassle-free. With a wireless camera, you can enjoy the benefits of a reversing camera without the need for extensive installation or modification to your vehicle. rearview170 also has the capability to be interchangeable from one vehicle to another.
Can I install a reversing camera by myself?
Yes, it's possible to install a reversing camera by yourself, but the difficulty level can vary depending on the type of camera you choose. Wired reversing cameras can be more difficult to install, as they require you to remove some of the interior trim to wire and connect the camera. This process requires a certain skill set and can be time-consuming. On the other hand, wireless reversing cameras are much easier to install by yourself and can be done by most people with some basic knowledge of cars and technology. Most wireless cameras rely on the car's battery to power the camera and connect to the reversing tail light of the vehicle. This way, each time the driver puts the car in reverse, the camera comes alive and transmits the picture to the monitor using Wi-Fi. The rearview 170 reversing camera on the other hand comes with a solar panel that charges the built-in battery, and you can see what is behind you while driving forward, without having to do any wiring at all. This camera provides a much better view than the standard wireless option and is a great investment for those who prioritize safety and convenience while driving.
Where is the best place to install a reversing camera on the vehicle?
For optimal performance, the ideal location to install a reversing camera is in the middle of the vehicle. Mounting it lower down will provide a better view of the distance, while placing it higher up will allow for a top-down perspective. Typically, the rear bumper is the best spot to place the camera, although some vehicles may benefit from having it mounted above the rear doors. The location ultimately depends on the type of vehicle, such as caravans, motorhomes, courier vans, and trucks that often require a high mounting position. Smaller vehicles like cars usually have the camera mounted below the number plate or in its vicinity.
Is a reversing camera better than car sensors?
While reversing cameras can give more visibility than parking sensors, ultimately both devices have their own advantages when it comes to backing up and parking a vehicle. Reversing cameras provide a clear and wide-angle view of the area behind the vehicle, making it easier to spot any potential obstacles or hazards. Parking sensors, on the other hand, give a more precise measurement of how close the vehicle is to objects around it. By using both systems together, drivers can get a comprehensive view of their surroundings and avoid any potential accidents or damage to their vehicle. Keep in mind, parking sensors usually require professional installation whereas the rearview170 reversing camera can be installed easily by the owner.
Is the camera waterproof?
Yes, it’s IP67 waterproof which means you can drop it in a bucket of water or do a river crossing no problems!
Why does the rearview170 camera not stay on permanently?
“See behind whilst driving forward”, and you CAN……... But, you CANNOT SEE BEHIND PERMANENTLY.
ALL rear viewing is time-limited. The default setting are 90 - 240 seconds, then the camera switches off, and for you to continue, you will need to repress the button that is on the cig-plug each time you want to get a another view range 90-240 second rear view. Why can you NOT see permanently? The CAMERA is solar powered, so depending on the weather and the camera's exposure to the sun (determined by which direction you are driving) decides the battery's state of charge, also considering the number of times you have peaked at the rearview. The weather is determined by nature, so we have made SAFETY our mantra. To ensure the driver has sufficient stored energy to operate the camera, we have caused the “time out” to preserve the power in case the driver has had several bad weather days. The program of the rearview170 is timed to stay on for up to 240 second intervals. If you require more viewing, press the button on the cigarette plug again. -
Are any tools or other supplies required?
The REV170/5 comes with a full panel of double-sided 3M tape as well as 2x stainless steel screws. If you don’t intend swapping it between cars, use the tape to adhere it. If you’d like to use it on multiple cars, use the screws so you can swap it over. We always recommend you use the screws to ensure adhesion. If you are travelling off-road we recommend you use the tape and the screw for added rigidity as well. We also recommend using a dab of silicon or other waterproofing agent around the screws so no water can get in through the screw holes into your vehicle.
What happens if there’s bad weather with very little sun?
Assuming the camera was fully charged, it should last approximately for three months. If all else fails, you also have the option of using the USB charger (240/12V) to use other power sources to charge it.
What powers the monitor?
A cigarette lighter plug is supplied and once inserting into the socket in the vehicle it powers the monitor. The cigarette socket also has a USB incorporated and an illuminated button which is used to activate the screen which depicts the image from the camera. The image is supplied by wireless transmission.
What do the parking guidelines mean?
You will notice that the distance behind is delineated by parking guidelines that have three separate colours. There is a horizontal delineation as well as vertical lines. The vertical is a straightness guide which indicates if you are going straight and not deviating side ways (to the left or right). If you are reversing into a delineated car park then you can see if you are within the area they want you to be. The horizontal line is to give the driver a measure of distance from the rear of the vehicle to the object. IMPORTANT Each driver needs to learn this. The distance from the rear of the vehicle to the object VARIES with the height of the camera mounting. This means if the camera is mounted low (say beneath the rear number plate) the rear of the vehicle to each horizontal line distance will VARY from a camera mounted at the top of a caravan. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY of each driver to ascertain what each horizontal distance is for the vehicle to which the camera is attached.
Where should drivers look when reversing?
Drivers should first check in each car mirror to see what is near the sides of their vehicle. Then look in your rearview170 to see that nothing is directly behind and if they feel all is clear behind, then begin reversing. Then continue to watch in the monitor as you reverse.
Orientation Time Out How to change Parking Guidelines.
Never mind what has been done before. It is REAL EASY to return the image to normal. On the Monitor RHS edge, see where 4 button are located. The bottom button is the on/off switch which run parallel to the cig lighter plug button. The button above it is an arrow to be used for the naviagtion that you will do. The button above that is a memu button, marked M. Switch your ignition on so that the Monitor is powered up and see an image. Then press M button for about 3 seconds before releasing it. Then the image on the Monitor will change to 3 rectangles, press bottom arrow twice, and you will see that your image has moved across to rectangle 3, to the far RHS. Hold M button down for 3 seconds, then the monitor image will list a table of alterations you can then make. The top one is Orientation. You now need to press M again for 3 second then the screen will show what the camera image can see. On the bottom of the screen aspects of orienatation appear with small cicles to indicate which aspect you are in. Just SLOWLY press the bottom arrow and the dots move across the screen, then STOP pressing the arrow when you have the CORRECT aspect that you need to solve your problem. Now although this is detailed for changing Orientation, the same format applies for most of the other features in the system. The change which each owner ought to consider adjusting are TIME OUT and PARKING LINES. Because these need to suit the individual drivers'needs.
What is the life of the battery?
18650 Lithium Battery - LiPol Battery Co. Ltd LiPol Battery Co. Ltd is known in the battery industrial for quality, safety, price, and lead time. Our 18650 lithium battery shows real rated capacity at the price every company can accept. The protection circuit can be built-in for safety control include over-charging, over-discharge, short-circuit, and temperature control. The additional connector made by JST, Molex & Hirose is also available with a custom length of wires. 18650 Lithium Battery Applications: High-quality 18650 Lithium Battery - safe & durable & density energy: The Cylindrical 18650 lithium Battery have outstanding performance: High energy density, Accurate dimensions, Superior safety and Huge selection. Our R&D team at LiPol Battery Co designed a Cylindrical rechargeable battery, which has different capacity for meeting clients request but also keeps same dimensions: diameter 18mm and length 65mm. High-quality 18650 Lithium Battery - - safe & durable & density energy Use for:- GPS, E-book, laptops, Bluetooth, mobile phones, digital cameras, digital camcorders, gaming equipment. Specifications: Lithium Polymer Battery Pack LP18650C 3S 2600mAh 11.1V Expected e Cycle life @ (0.5C/0.5C @23+< 5C 500 cycles > 80%
Take the stress out of driving, reversing or just doing your job!